Vale announces preparations to resume operations at two Brazilian mines after reinstatement of licenses

This suspension was due to irregularities noted in an environmental report and alleged noncompliance with mining mitigation efforts.

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Vale obtiene licencias para dos minas brasileñas

Brazilian mining giant Vale has secured important agreements to reactivate the operating licenses of its Onca Puma and Sossego mines in Brazil. These agreements were signed with the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Pará and the State Environmental Secretariat of Pará(SEMAS), and have the approval of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) within the framework of the Consensual Conflict Resolution Center.

Vale obtains operating licenses in two Brazilian mines

The environmental authority is expected to reinstate the licenses within 48 hours, allowing Vale to quickly resume operations, according to the company. In addition, the company plans to implement socio-environmental measures in accordance with the terms agreed between the parties involved.

The progress comes after the suspension of the operating licenses of both mines earlier this year. This suspension was due to irregularities noted in an environmental report and the alleged failure to comply with the mine’s mitigation efforts. . In May 2024, Vale and the state government were close to reaching a court-mediated agreement, where Vale committed to submit an updated environmental impact report, which would comply with the requirements of the state of Pará.

Last year, the Sossego mine reported production of 66,800 tons of copper, while the Onca Puma mine has an annual nickel production capacity of 27,000 tons. Recently, the mining company Vale announced its intention to invest US$3.3 billion to increase copper and nickel production capacities in Canada and Brazil. This investment, planned for the next four years, seeks to increase production, especially of copper, with the objective of reaching approximately 500,000 tons by 2028.

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Source: Mining Technology

Photo: Shutterstock

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