Brazil, the first Latin American country that could develop floating wind turbines

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 28, 2022. A study conducted by the British consultancy OWC has identified 54 countries that are particularly suitable for the development of floating wind power. Among them is Brazil, whose government recently announced a decree allowing research and projects for offshore wind power generation, the first step in the development and implementation of this technology with enormous potential.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 28, 2022

A study conducted by the British consultancy OWC has identified 54 countries that are particularly suitable for the development of floating wind power. Among them is Brazil, whose government recently announced a decree allowing research and projects for offshore wind power generation, the first step in the development and implementation of this technology with enormous potential.

Brazil is committed to having 48% renewable energy in its energy mix by 2030, and one of the technologies that could help it achieve this is offshore wind, which the government will promote through a decree whose announcement has already received numerous proposals from those interested in developing this sector, several of which are floating offshore wind developers.

Brazil’s environmental assessment and permitting agency, Ibama, is currently evaluating offshore wind energy projects totaling more than 80 GW of wind power capacity. This is equivalent to just over 10% of the estimated technical potential for offshore wind in Brazil, estimated at 748 GW.

Other Latin American countries with high potential for the development of this sector are Argentina, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Uruguay and Cuba, among others, according to the study conducted by ORE Catapul’s Floating Offshore Wind Center of Excellence for OWC and which has examined more than 240 territories around the world to identify such potential.

“Floating offshore wind will be central to the future energy mix, but it also brings its own challenges and opportunities, meaning that not all markets are ready or suitable for the future development of this technology. This market study indicates that we need to pay attention in terms of short- or long-term readiness as major players in floating wind,” explains Craig Brown, principal consultant at OWC.
