Bicentennial Dock of the Port of Callao reaches 60% progress of the expansion project

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Inspenet, June 4, 2023

The construction works of the Bicentennial Dock (expansion of the South Dock in the Port of Callao, Peru), are 60% complete. Regarding civil works, the first half of the project will be delivered by the end of this year and the rest will be completed in April 2024.

The total investment in the work amounts to USD 350 million and during this year USD 140 million have been disbursed, according to Nicolás Gauthier, CEO of DP World Peru, in an interview with the Peruvian newspaper Gestión.

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The impressive progress of the Bicentennial Dock in the Port of Callao, Peru, promises a transformation in maritime trade

Thanks to the progress made, in a few weeks they will begin to receive ships in part of the new dock and, in October, three dock cranes and 12 yard cranes will arrive, all of which will be fully electric. When all the works are finished, the total capacity will be increased by 80% and three ships will be able to dock and operate at the same time.

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1912 muelle Bicentenario Puerto Callao Peru 3
Nicolás Gauthier, CEO of DP World Peru,

Operations at the South Dock

At the beginning of May, 500,000 TEUs were mobilized, “this is a record for the country, since it is the first time that a terminal in Peru reaches this figure so early in the year,” said Gauthier. In addition, he highlighted that they recently received authorization to begin berthing at the South Dock for vessels of 400 meters in length with a capacity of up to 21,000 TEUs.

On the other hand, the CEO of DP World Peru highlights that thanks to other investments, he has managed to reduce the transaction time of trucks at the entrance of the terminal by 60% since May 2021.

Also, there are investments in technology and direct work with authorities, to reduce smuggling. “By the end of 2023, we will receive scanners that will allow us to review 100% of the containers that enter our terminal by truck, to then send the images to the authorities,” said Gauthier.

Source and photos : Maritime World

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