BHP signs USD 188 million contracts on the Jansen potash project

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Inspenet, March 14, 2023

BHP announced that as construction of its Jansen potash project in Saskatchewan, Canada progresses, it has awarded three new contracts in partnership with local First Nations (indigenous people) communities.

Covering camp management, site services and raw ore/management base, the contracts include representation from the six First Nations surrounding the Jansen site, with whom BHP has current opportunity agreements.

The agreements, established in 2012, are one way the industry can forge new relationships with Indigenous Peoples to create local employment, business opportunities and develop skills and abilities of local residents.

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The three-and-a-half-year contracts are valued at more than C$260 million (USD 187.8 million) and will support more than 400 local jobs with more than 50% planned to be indigenous.

Since Jansen stage 1 was sanctioned in August 2021, contracts totaling C$470 million ($339.5 million) have been awarded to indigenous companies in the region, the miner said.

Operations at Jansen are expected to start in late 2026, and BHP is working with other Aboriginal groups to identify jobs and skill sets and has partnered with local organizations in Saskatchewan to provide pre-apprenticeship programs to help raise awareness of the opportunities in the trades and prepare people with the necessary skills to enter the mining industry.

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