AWS Waveswing tests exceed expectations

Free translation by: Inspenet, November 15, 2022. Scottish company AWS Ocean Energy has confirmed very encouraging results from the current phase of sea trials of its wave energy device at the European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) in Orkney.
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Free translation by: Inspenet, November 15, 2022

Scottish company AWS Ocean Energy has confirmed very encouraging results from the current phase of sea trials of its wave energy device at the European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) in Orkney. The device has undergone scientific testing to date at EMEC’s Scapa Flow test site.

The AWS Waveswing wave energy converter captured an average power of more than 10kW and peaks of 80kW, during a period of moderate wave conditions. These figures exceeded the developer’s own predictions by 20%.

Other key findings underscore the survivability potential of the submarine Waveswing, which continued to deliver power in harsh weather conditions. The test program also demonstrated that deployment of the Waveswing from dock to installation and full operation is possible in less than 12 hours.

The current phase of sea trials is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year and AWS is looking to redeploy for further testing in early 2023.

Simon Grey, CEO of AWS Ocean Energy, commented: “These numbers underscore our strong belief that Waveswing is the real deal. While we’ve always been confident in Waveswing’s performance potential, it’s wonderful to see that confidence backed by real data. We believe this performance compares very favorably to equivalent figures for any previous Wave device tested at the same site. We are now actively seeking discussions with marketing partners, other end users and anyone who is genuinely interested in developing commercial wave power. This includes, for example, sponsored trial programs, so partners can get up close and personal with the Waveswing and its potential.”

Source :

Photo : Scapa Technical / Alfik Shorebase Services

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