Attention engineers! API invites you to participate in events in Seattle this month

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Inspenet, May 10, 2023

The American Petroleum Institute (API) invites engineers, specialists and other professionals from the refining and petrochemical industry to participate in two events this May.

2023 API / AFPM Spring Operating Practices Symposium (OPS)

The 2023 API/AFPM Fall Operating Practices Symposium (OPS) will be held on May 17 at the Hyatt Regency Seattle, Seattle, Washington, sponsored by API and the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM).

At the event, several technical presentations are made that highlight lessons learned from incidents or near misses at facilities and discussions on how to avoid accidents at refineries and petrochemical plants.

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It provides a forum for the exchange of information on safe operating practices and procedures and the sharing of “best practices” within refineries and petrochemical plants.

You can register at this link .

1785 API AFPM Spring Operating Practices Symposium interna 2

2023 Spring Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting

The Spring Refinement and Equipment Standards Meeting will take place May 15-19 at the Hyatt Regency Seattle, Seattle, Washington. This meeting is an opportunity to learn how the US oil industry develops and maintains cutting-edge standards.

Technical committee meetings provide insight into API standards and best practices used throughout the industry to promote safe and environmentally sound operations.

To expand the information and register enter this link .

1785 API Spring Refining Equipment Standards Meeting interna 1

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