Artificial Intelligence to prevent accidents in the mining industry

Isbel Lázaro.

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inspenet - Inteligencia

Inspenet, June 24, 2023.

Artificial Intelligence is generating great changes. The mining industry is of vital importance in Peru and according to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, between 2017 and 2021 it contributed 16% of GDP, which represents an important source of income and employment.

However, it is necessary to recognize that there are inherent risks in this activity, including managing the transport of both people and materials. Therefore, mining companies must adopt measures to prevent accidents, as well as prioritizing investment in safety and prevention technologies.

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One option to mitigate disasters and accidents is the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), since it improves production processes and also offers competitive advantages and the ability to prevent accidents in real time.

Artificial Intelligence could prevent accidents in the mining industry

Mining companies and Artificial Intelligence

70% of mining companies worldwide, according to the Vanson Bourne study, affirm that AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) are essential to improve their competitiveness.

It is estimated that the value of the implementation of these technologies in mining could reach US$300 million by the year 2025.

According to Luis Fernando Flores, general manager of Hunter Peru in his participation in the XIV National Mining Congress – Conamin 2023, Peruvian mining has been able to develop sustainably in recent years. So much so, that it is an innovative industry in its processes and in the implementation of technological solutions.

In the words of Luis Fernando Flores, the mining industry has implemented 4.0 technology, also known as smart mining . This with the aim of generating greater efficiency in the mining operation, reducing personnel exposure to risks, increasing productivity and improving safety in general.

Flores indicated that AI allows operations to be automated and minimizes the risk of lethal accidents. In his words, at Hunter they offer personalized solutions to improve driver behavior, cameras with Artificial Intelligence to reduce road accidents, etc.

Similarly, he explained that the implementation of AI allows companies to generate new knowledge about production and corporate management and make them more sustainable for the future.


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