Argentina will tender 12 oil areas in the province of Mendoza

By: Inspenet, November 29, 2022. The Directorate of Hydrocarbons of the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Mendoza will launch a new bidding model that will not only make investments more attractive, but will also guarantee that they are continuous and that no call is left unanswered.
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By : Inspenet, Nov 29, 2022

The Directorate of Hydrocarbons of the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Mendoza will launch a new bidding model that will not only make investments more attractive, but will also guarantee that they are continuous and that no call is left unanswered.

After exceeding USD 10 billion in investments in one year and achieving the reactivation of more than 300 wells with Mendoza Activa Hidrocarburos, the province will tender 12 oil areas.

Eleven of the twelve areas are located in Malargüe, and one, in the Cuyana Basin. These are exploration permits for Boleadero, Bajada del Chachahuen, Chachahuen Norte, CN V, Loma El Divisadero, Malargüe, Payún Oeste, Ranquil Norte, Zampal, Calmuco and Sierra Azul Sur. In addition, an exploitation concession in Puesto Molina Norte.

Estanislao Schilardi, Director of Hydrocarbons at the Ministry of Economy and Energy, explained: “We have made modifications to make investments more attractive. As in Mendoza Activa Hidrocarburos, this modality ends up having an impact on the coffers of the province, since oil zones are reactivated and more royalties are generated”.

Among the advantages that this bidding model will have, the canon for extraordinary income and the concept of extraordinary production canon will be suppressed, leaving the 12% established by the Hydrocarbons Law.

In addition, a “continuous tender” model will be implemented, that is, the largest number of areas that do not have concessionaires will be tendered. Those areas that do not receive offers in the first call will remain available for the next call.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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