Argentina has a unique potential in Hydrogen in Patagonia

By: Inspenet, November 17, 2022. In the energies of the future, hydrogen appears as a powerful source, both for its obtaining and for its use. The world deepens its production and Argentina needs a legal framework for the development of hydrogen (green and blue) in the country.
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By: Inspenet, Nov 17, 2022

In the energies of the future, hydrogen appears as a powerful source, both for its obtaining and for its use. The world deepens its production and Argentina needs a legal framework for the development of hydrogen (green and blue) in the country.

All the participants of the first Sustainable Energy Transition Forum that was held in Comodoro Rivadavia agreed unanimously on this. The advancement of a text that should, later, be analyzed by the National Congress, had been confirmed to ‘Santa Cruz Produce’ by the Secretary of Energy herself, Flavia Royón, present at the event in the oil city.

Recently, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, confirmed that, in the course of this week, the bill will be submitted to Parliament, and that it, as happened at the time with mining, will grant “thirty-year stability ” in tax matters to ensure investments in the sector. For Massa, having a law like this: “It helps us to generate added value, employment, investment and change the economic and productive matrix.”

According to the deputy governor of Santa Cruz, Eugenio Quiroga, the law “should be the framework that regulates the activity, both for investors and also for the provinces that promote this.”

The bill must “Have a clear horizon” was also another of the requests that was formulated in the Forum and the law with stability “for 30 years”, apparently it would give it, with a framework of “legal predictability for investments”.

In addition to the hydrogen law, the LNG law would also be sent. Both are key to the country’s energy development.

This material on the portal has been edited for clarity, style and length.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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