Are you looking for a university degree? You can apply for the Peru 2022-I Scholarship

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 5, 2022. The National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (Pronabec) of the Ministry of Education, through the Beca Perú contest, will award between August and October of this year, 79 scholarships donated by private higher education institutions in the country to study university or technical careers.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 5, 2022

The National Scholarship and Educational Credit Program (Pronabec) of the Ministry of Education, through the Beca Perú contest, will award between August and October of this year, 79 scholarships donated by private higher education institutions in the country to study university or technical careers.

Applications will be open until Sunday, August 7, where five universities offer scholarships distributed among 27 professional careers in different academic areas:

1.- University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC):

Careers: Bioengineering, Computer Science, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Energy Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

2.- Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH):

Degrees: Biology, Environmental Engineering, Psychology, Nursing, Computer Engineering and Chemistry.

3.- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP):

Majors: Humanities, Anthropology and History.

4.- Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC):

Degrees: Administration, Administration and Marketing, Sports Business and Administration, International Business and Administration, Architecture, Accounting and Administration, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mining Management Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering.

5.- San Ignacio de Loyola University (USIL):

Careers: Early Childhood Education.

The benefits of the scholarships offered vary according to each donor university, the concepts that are not covered must be assumed by the beneficiaries and there is no age limit for the application.

For more details, interested parties can read the contest rules, which can be found on the website They can also contact Pronabec through its social networks, the institutional WhatsApp 966 429 596, the toll-free line 080 00 00 18 or the telephone switchboard (01) 612 82 30.

This material from was edited for clarity, style and length.
