Are you interested in the mining sector? Teck offers jobs for technicians and professionals

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Inspenet, January 27, 2023

The Canadian company Teck, with operations in Chile, Peru, the United States and Canada, offers 10 jobs in Chile for technicians and professionals. The mining industry requires machine operators, engineers, mechanical and electrical technicians, among others.

The available positions are for work in Andacollo, Pica and offices in Santiago. The mining industry requires machine operators, engineers, mechanical and electrical technicians, among others. It should be remembered that the list of jobs could vary throughout the day. Here are some of the available places:

Non-Destructive Testing Technician. Location: Pica, TA, CL

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Concentrator Plant Mechanical Technician. Location: Pica, TA, CL

Concentrator Plant Maintenance Supervisor. Location: Pica, TA, CL

Electricity planner. Location: Las Condes, Metropolitan Santiago, CL

Plant Operator (Crushing). Location: Andacollo, CO, CL

Plant 2 Operator (Flotation). Location: Andacollo, CO, CL

Tailings Management Engineer. Location: Andacollo, CO, CL

Technician/or Mechanic/or Workshop Maintenance II. Location: Pica, TA, CL

Senior Mine Services. Location: Pica, TA, CL

Drilling operator. Location: Pica, TA, CL

Applications must be made online through the Teck website, at:

Source :

Photo: ShutterStock

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