ANPG announces sale of oil and gas exploration blocks in Angola

The reforms allow companies such as TotalEnergies, Chevron, BP and Eni to continue investing in the country.
Petróleo y Gas de Angola

The National Agency for Oil, Gas and Biofuels(ANPG) organizes strategies to safeguard Angola’s Oil and Gas sector, has announced in the first quarter of 2025 10 exploration blocks will be offered to the market in the Kwanza and Benguela basins, including 5 marginal fields.

The sale of Angola’s Oil and Gas blocks

ANPG has invited companies in the sector to participate in this new licensing round, as negotiations have begun and interested parties are encouraged to establish contact prior to the official launch of the bidding process.

Angola, recognized as the second largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa, remains a fertile ground for oil exploration and production. oil exploration and production . Although production has declined since 2016, after maintaining an average of 1.8 million barrels per day between 2009 and 2015, the government has taken steps to reverse this trend through regular tenders and continuous bidding programs.

Reforms and future tenders

ANPG Board member Alcides Andrade mentioned the progress of reforms initiated in 2019, which have led to the licensing of more than 50 blocks planned until 2025. To date, more than 30 new concessions have been awarded in four rounds, with plans to introduce ten additional offshore blocks in the next round.

These reforms have allowed companies with a long-standing presence in Angola, such as TotalEnergies, Chevron, BP and Eni (now Azule Energy), to continue investing in the country, as well as encouraging incremental production in existing fields. According to Andrade, the objective is to maintain domestic production above one million barrels per day, currently at approximately 1.1 million.

However, with respect to the 2025 tender, blocks in the Benguela and Kwanza basins will be included. In addition, Angola makes available 4 onshore blocks, 11 on permanent offer and 5 marginal fields ready for exploration, which will be awarded individually to companies showing interest for acquisition.

Finally, ANPG is dedicated to enriching the collection of seismic data to support exploration with an extensive library of 2D and 3D data. Ross Compton, Director of Global Policy at Energeo Alliance, and Verner Ayukegba, Vice President of AEC, agree on the promise that Angola and Africa hold for the industry.

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Source: World Oil

Photo: Loïc Manegarium / Pexels