ZEUS Project: Aker Solutions Unveils Zero-Emission Power Plant

The pilot project is an intelligent terminal that optimizes the capture and storage of carbon dioxide while redirecting the energy produced.
El proyecto ZEUS captura y almacenamiento de CO2 de Aker Solutions y otras empresas

Aker Solutions, in collaboration with other companies such as PETRONAS, MISC and Clean Energy Systems, has announced the start of the ZEUS project, a zero-emission power plant using CO₂ capture and storage technology. During the“ONS 2024 Conference” in Stavanger, Norway, the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) formalizing this collaboration was signed.

The ZEUS project: CO₂ capture and storage.

Its focus is on carbon management, using advanced oxyfuel combustion that captures 100% of the CO₂ emissions generated during energy production. This technology allows the CO₂ to be permanently stored, and can be used to increase the oil and gas production.

“We are excited to bring ZEUS to life together with our partners. This collaboration marks an important step forward in our mission to solve energy challenges through innovative technology in carbon dioxide management and storage.”

Jo Krabbe, executive vice president of Energy Solutions at Aker Solutions.

One of the outstanding features of ZEUS is the ability to handle fuels with high CO₂ levels, including natural gas with up to 90 % CO₂. In addition, ZEUS technology operates at elevated pressures, resulting in more compact process equipment and reduced operating costs. The project has the potential to provide reliable, affordable and emission-free energy.

The signatories to the MOU are committed to ensuring the success of the ZEUS pilot project. MISC obtains a commitment to adapt this technology for maritime use, with plans to expand the project once its feasibility has been demonstrated on a large scale.

“The ZEUS pilot project represents an exciting step toward sustainable and affordable energy production, and Clean Energy Systems, along with its partners, is eager to see its impact on the industry,” mentioned a Clean Energy Systems representative.

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Source and photo: Aker Solutions