94% of Uruguay’s electricity comes from renewable sources

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 9, 2022. Uruguay has managed to become a country whose electricity generation matrix is almost entirely renewable thanks to the sun, wind and water.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 9, 2022

Uruguay has managed to become a country whose electricity generation matrix is almost entirely renewable thanks to the sun, wind and water.

According to data from the Uruguayan Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining last June, 94% of the electricity consumed during 2020 came from sustainable sources, with wind energy in first place (40%), followed by hydroelectric (30%), biomass (20%) and solar (4%). Only 6% of the electricity matrix had originated from fossil fuels.

How did this accelerated conversion to green sources of electricity generation come about? With a political agreement among all the forces with legislative representation, long-term vision, state leadership and private investment.

“The full support of all political forces, the creation of a transformative ecosystem that allowed the arrival of investments and flexible governance opened the door to a change in the energy matrix that was made in just a few years” explains Ramón Méndez, Uruguay’s energy secretary between 2008 and 2015, during the Frente Amplio governments, when the first transition to green energy took place.

Due to its geographical characteristics, Uruguay can generate 30% of the electricity it consumes in hydroelectric dams and has also invested in other renewables: 40% comes from wind energy.

This material from FmMeridiano985.com.ar was edited for clarity, style and length.

Source: https://fmmeridiano985.com.ar/noticias/argentina-mundo/como-hizo-uruguay-para-que-el-94-de-su-electricidad-proviniera-de-fuentes-renovables/