7 candidates to elect the new IMO Secretary General

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Inspenet, April 15, 2023

Seven member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have each nominated a candidate for the post of Secretary General, succeeding the current incumbent Kitack Lim of the Republic of Korea, whose term expires on December 31, 2023.

According to information provided by the IMO itself, the applications received by the deadline set for the receipt of applications, March 31, 2023, are the following: Moin Uddin Ahmed (Bangladesh); Suat Hayri Aka (Türkiye); Arsenio Antonio Domínguez Velasco (Panama); Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry (Dominica); Nancy Karigithu (Kenya); Minna Kivimäki (Finland) and Zhang Xiaojie (China)

The IMO Council, at its 128th session (December 2022), approved the procedures for holding the election of the Secretary-General at the Council session (C 129), which will take place at IMO headquarters on Tuesday, July 18. of 2023.

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Following the election, the Council’s decision will be submitted to the 33rd session of the IMO Assembly at the end of 2023, where they will be invited to approve the appointment, after which the new Secretary-General will take office on 1 January. of 2024.

Source and Photo : https://www.mundomaritimo.cl/noticias/elecciones-omi-siete-candidatos-para-nuevo-secretario-general

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