25 leaders will discuss relevant industry issues at the Expo Oil & Gas Mexico

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Inspenet, March 27, 2023

Oil & Gas Alliance , organizes the Third Edition of the Oil & Gas Mexico Expo , which will take place from March 29 to 31, at the Tabasco 2000 Convention Center, in Villahermosa, Tabasco. It is estimated that it will generate more than 500 million pesos in business agreements and 90 million pesos in economic benefits.

For the 2023 edition of the Expo Oil & Gas Mexico, the attendance of 5 thousand attendees from more than 7 countries is expected; the presence of more than 50 exhibiting companies from the national and international energy industry; the participation in the business tables of the 11 national and foreign Operators, Tractors and Contractors (OTC), and the debate of 25 leaders on relevant issues of the industry.

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Expo Oil & Gas Mexico, will be held from March 29 to 31, at the Tabasco 2000 Convention Center, in Villahermosa, Tabasco.

One of the objectives of the event is to encourage strategic alliances between Mexican companies through the “Mexico Goes First” program, an initiative that aims to assert the business opportunity for Mexican suppliers in the energy sector.

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The Expo Oil & Gas México will have as guests the State Economic Development Secretaries; the head of the Secretariat for Energy Development of Tabasco, María Luisa Somellera; the governor of the State of Tabasco, Carlos Manuel Merino, and small and medium-sized businesses that are direct and indirect suppliers in the energy sector.

The theme of the event will consist of 5 sub-themes, among them: “The energy industry through the feminine vision”; “The most productive oil contracts in Mexico”; “Infrastructure and regulation for an energy sector that detonates the competitiveness of Mexico”; “Energy transformation for national self-sufficiency” and “Energy Sovereignty”.

Source : https://expoilandgasmx.com/

Image: Facebook Oil and gas Alliance: https://www.facebook.com/Oilandgasalliance/

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