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GD Energy Products and Catalyst Energy Services will carry out hydraulic fracturing work with innovative equipment

By: Inspenet, January 13, 2023.
GD Energy Products (GDEP), the leading total solutions provider to the well service, drilling and fracturing pump market, and Catalyst Energy Services, a stimulation services startup specializing in hydraulic fracturing treatment , announce their partnership in hydraulic fracturing technology to deliver high power and lower emissions.

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Engineers develop solar panels to capture light from both sides

By: Inspenet, January 12, 2023.
Researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA, also known collectively as the EMPA Institute, with the support of the research team, which includes Ayodhya N. Tiwari, Shih-Chi Yang, and Romain Carron, developed a recent technological advance that can now facilitate the design of double-span or bifacial solar panels.