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Chile seeks to accelerate the development of the hydrogen industry and decarbonization in Latin America

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 11, 2022.
The second Interministerial Council of the Chilean Green Hydrogen Industry Development Committee, an initiative that seeks to strengthen the production of this compound, both to address climate change through decarbonization, and to promote a more sustainable growth model for Chile, was held at the premises of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corfo).

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Rosatom’s nuclear center in Bolivia to be fully operational by 2025

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 11, 2022.
On August 5, the Russian state corporation Rosatom began test operations of the first industrial facilities of the Center for Research and Development of Nuclear Technology (CIDTN), located in the city of El Alto, Bolivia. According to evaluations, this Rosatom project will be fully operational in 2025.