
Oil and Gas

Petrobras found hydrocarbons in Potiguar basin (deep waters)

Inspenet, February 4, 2024.
Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) has detected the presence of hydrocarbons in the Pitu Oeste deepwater exploration well, located in the BM-POT-17 block of the Potiguar deepwater basin, at a distance of 52 km from the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

demanda para detener los robotaxis

San Francisco sues to stop robotaxis

Inspenet, February 4, 2024.
Recently, the city of San Francisco has initiated legal action against the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the entity responsible for regulating autonomous vehicles in the state, with the aim of significantly reducing the presence of robotaxis on the city’s roads. .

iCub 3

iCub 3: the robot that allows people to see and feel remotely

Inspenet, February 4, 2024.
The iCub 3 robot avatar has the ability to transmit video and haptic experiences to a person wearing haptic feedback gloves and a virtual reality (VR) headset over considerable distances, thus providing an alternative for people to participate in events without the need to commute.

proyecto eólico marino Moray West

Amazon Powers Up with Investment in Moray West Wind Project

Inspenet, February 3, 2024.
Amazon has entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) with ENGIE, which owns the Moray West project through Ocean Winds, the joint venture between ENGIE and EDP Renewables. This agreement implies a total generation capacity of 473 MW from the Moray West offshore wind farm, which will be operational at the end of this year.

planta fotovoltaica en suelo

Construction of the first ground-based photovoltaic plant in Madrid began

Inspenet, February 3, 2024.
Work has begun for the first photovoltaic plant authorized on land with connection to the distribution network in the history of the Community of Madrid. This milestone is achieved after Nexer, a firm specialized in projects linked to the energy transition, completed the processing of all permits and authorizations required by current legislation last December.