

WorldCoin Debut Causes a Stir in the Cryptocurrency Market

Inspenet, July 26, 2023.
WorldCoin (WLD) is the altcoin created by the founder of ChatGPT that is offered for free to people “simply for being human.” Its official debut was last Monday, in which it was presented as a cryptocurrency that can be obtained for free in exchange for scanning the iris of the human eye using a special device.


China turns to coal amid hydroelectric collapse

Inspenet, July 26, 2023.
Hydroelectric generation in China plummeted 23% in the first half of 2023. The increase in demand for electricity in China has led to a greater reliance on coal, as the production of electricity from water has decreased considerably.

portacontenedores propulsado por GNL

Japan took delivery of its first LNG-powered containership

Inspenet, July 25, 2023.
Shipping company CMA CGM announced that Japan has received its first container ship powered by LNG (liquefied natural gas), marking a milestone by berthing at the Port of Yokohama for the first time. This was achieved with the arrival of the CMA CGM Liberty, a ship that also achieved this achievement in several American ports.