
nuevo sistema de baterías empresariales, Lynx C 60kWh

GoodWe company launches new enterprise battery system

Joshua Falcon, March 14, 2024.
GoodWe recently introduced its Lynx C 60kWh battery system, a significant addition to its offering of energy storage solutions for the commercial and industrial sector. This system is designed to optimally integrate with the GoodWe ET 15-30kW hybrid inverter.

EQUIPCON Where we’ve been and where we are going

EQUIPCON: Where we’ve been and where we are going

Isbel Lázaro, March 14, 2024.
In February, Equipcon had two significant events on its calendar. The first unfolded in Remchingen, Germany, where our esteemed partner Nordinkraft hosted an “open house” and the second event took place at the annual NDTMA conference held in Las Vegas, NV, from February 20–22.

Liontown Resources y proyecto de litio

Liontown Resources secures $363 million credit facility to accelerate lithium project

Joshua Falcon, March 14, 2024.
Liontown Resources secures $550 million in financing to advance the progress of one of its Kathleen Valley lithium projects in regional Western Australia. This strategic financing ensures the flow of economic resources necessary to take the project from its initial phase to an estimated annual production of three million tons.

Una potente turbina mareomotriz flotante podría operar en aguas estadounidenses
New Energies

Revolutionary Floating Tidal Turbine Set for U.S. Waters

Isbel Lazaro, March 14, 2024.
Orbital Marine Power Ltd, a leading renewable energy company specializing in the implementation of its innovative floating tidal turbine, has been selected as the technology partner for the project proposed by Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO).