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ARPEL and Naturgas sign a memorandum of understanding to strengthen the role of natural gas in Latin America

By: Inspenet, November 21, 2022.
ARPEL, the association that brings together the main companies in the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, and NATURGAS, the union made up of 29 main natural gas producing, transporting, distributing and marketing companies in Colombia, today signed a memorandum of understanding to contribute to the positioning of natural gas as an energy source of increasing relevance and impact in the regional energy matrix (Latin America and the Caribbean).

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Oil and Gas

Castañeda: “Colombia must generate an export and fiscal transition, not just energy”

By: Inspenet, November 21, 2022.
Recently, the V Oil, Gas and Energy Summit took place at the Ágora Convention Center in Bogotá and organized by the Colombian Oil and Gas Association (ACP); the Colombian Chamber of Oil, Gas and Energy Goods and Services (Campetrol), the Colombian Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists (Acggp) and the Colombian Association of Engineers (Aciem).

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Mexican engineers experts in air conditioning are trained in Spain

By: Inspenet, November 21, 2022.
Twenty-five Mexican engineers who are experts in refrigeration and air conditioning have made a study trip to Madrid, Spain to participate in a training program organized by the National Confederation of Installers (CNI) and the collaboration of the Provincial Association of Heating, Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Gas of Cuenca (ACOIN).

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The next Tech Talking program will talk about the IMCORRS 2022 Seminar

By: Inspenet, November 21, 2022.
The Tech Talking program this Wednesday, November 23, will have Eng. Gustavo Romero, president of the AMPP Mexico chapter, who will be talking with ing. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, about the Integrity Management, Control and Corrosion Prevention Seminar called Integrity Management and Corrosion Seminar IMCORRS 2022.

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Oil and Gas

Equinor: 50 years providing energy internationally

By: Inspenet, November 18, 2022.
This year, the Norwegian state oil company Equinor, -formerly Statoil-, reached its 50th birthday. In these five decades, they have become an international energy company with a presence in more than 30 countries. They are among the largest offshore operators in the world, supplying power to 170 million people every day.