
mina en Áncash

Company may extend mine life in Ancash to 2036

Isbel Lazaro, February 20, 2024.
The National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investments (SENACE) has given its approval to the Antamina mining company, allowing it to proceed with an estimated investment of US$2 billion to extend the useful life of its mining operation in the Ancash region until 2036.

LignoSat2 idea innovadora

LignoSat2: The innovative wooden satellite that promises to change the space industry

Joshua Falcon, February 20, 2024.
The LignoSat2 project, a groundbreaking initiative of Kyoto University, is transforming the space industry by introducing wood as a construction material for satellites. With a planned launch in 2024, in collaboration with NASA and the Japanese space agency JAXA, this wooden satellite is emerging as an innovative and sustainable solution.