
Ulstein presenta un nuevo buque submarino

Company introduces new submarine vessel

Isbel Lazaro, March 18, 2024.
Ulstein has launched a new subsea vessel on the market: the ULSTEIN SX232, which stands out for its innovation, flexibility and efficiency in reducing emissions. In addition, it is designed to serve both the offshore wind energy sector, including both floating and fixed installations, and the oil and gas sector.

Proyecto piloto de turbina de hidrógeno es descartado

Hydrogen Turbine Pilot Project Discarded

Isbel Lazaro, March 17, 2024.
The energy company Vattenfall has decided to cancel its hydrogen turbine pilot project. This project aimed to investigate the feasibility of integrating hydrogen technology into turbine operations to drive sustainable energy production.

Construirán planta piloto que combina energía fotovoltaica y termosolar

Pilot plant combining photovoltaic and solar thermal power to be built

Isbel Lazaro, March 17, 2024.
Bluesolar has started the construction of its innovative pilot plant at the Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración (ISFOC) facilities in Puertollano, Ciudad Real. This plant is characterized by the implementation of a pioneering technology that merges the principles of photovoltaic and solar thermal energy.