
El nuevo oleoducto canadiense de Trans Mountain

China’s Sinochem buys first cargo of new Canadian pipeline

Joshua Falcon, March 22, 2024.
Sinochem Group has purchased one of the first lots of crude oil, transported by pipeline infrastructure in Canada. This pipeline system has been specifically designed to facilitate the transfer of crude oil from Alberta, an inland region, to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, from where it can be exported.

Isbel Lázaro, 21 de marzo 2024.

El Presidente de Chile, Gabriel Boric, junto con destacadas autoridades como el Ministro de Hacienda, Mario Marcel; la Ministra de Obras Públicas, Jéssica López; y la Ministra de Minería, Aurora Williams, ha dado inicio al funcionamiento del proyecto Infraestructura Complementaria Minera (INCO) en la mina Los Pelambres, perteneciente a Antofagasta Minerals.

Desalination plant starts up in Los Pelambres mine

Isbel Lazaro, March 21, 2024.
The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, together with prominent authorities such as the Minister of Finance, Mario Marcel, the Minister of Public Works, Jéssica López, and the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, have started the operation of the Mining Complementary Infrastructure (INCO) project at the Los Pelambres mine, owned by Antofagasta Minerals.