
El satélite MethaneSAT para detectar fugas de metano fue lanzado con éxito

MethaneSAT Launches Successfully to Track Methane Leaks

Isbel Lazaro, March 6, 2024.
The successful launch of the MethaneSAT satellite, a BAE Systems initiative, marks a significant advance in the detection and management of global methane emissions. This project aims to encourage producers to implement rapid corrective measures to address methane leakage at production sites.

Doroni H1-X el auto volador

Doroni H1-X “flying car” to debut in 2025

Joshua Falcon, March 5, 2024.
The first fully functional models of the H1-X could start being delivered to customers in 2025, provided development continues as planned. This announcement marks a significant milestone in the personal air transportation industry.