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Icono de Dirección Address: C. Alfalfa 128, Las Praderas, 25295 Saltillo, Coah. Mexico

Icono de Teléfono Phone: 018444319277

Icono de Website Website: https://www.grupodiapsa.com.mx/


We are generators of Solutions on topics such as: Reliability, Condition Monitoring and Industrial Safety as well as Specialized Training Courses on the same topics.

To be leaders in the disciplines we develop through quality, precision and speed of service, benefiting our clients, increasing equipment reliability and plant productivity.

DIAPSA is a company dedicated to increasing the reliability and safety of plants by monitoring the condition of the machinery using predictive tools, developing services with efficiency and quality, committed as a team to safety and hygiene regulations.

Implement the appropriate predictive tools to maintain the equipment installed in the plant in optimal and reliable operating conditions.


  • Passion
  • Trust
  • Person
  • Quality in the service
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership