Robotic Subsea Inspection in the Oil Industry: Benefits and Challenges
Robotic underwater inspection in adverse conditions to carry out equipment repairs is essential when it is very difficult for us to carry them out in inaccessible areas, even more so when they are under water, as in the case, for example, of underwater pipes that supply some by-product oil or crude oil, repairing them has always been a big problem.
The Krautkrämer made history at the inspection
In 1946, the closure of the university continues and some of them remain in ruins, such as: the University of Cologne, where two brothers, one of them a professor and the other a student, decided to start a business setting up a workshop to repair of electrical appliances.
Inspenet Anniversary: Knowledge and professional connection to the world
Anniversary Inspenet: Knowledge and Professional Connection to the World
Inspenet reaches its first year with a highly positive and extraordinary balance
SLOM again (Chronicle of a reunion)
The XVIII SLOM Conference (Latin American Society of Maritime Oil and Monobuoy Operators), returns to Cartagena on October 5, 6 and 7. The cap. Ricardo Izquierdo, president of SLOM, has stated that there are 38 conferences and 3 workshops within the academic agenda; Likewise, he announced the attendance of important companies from the Oil & Gas sector and Oil Maritime Operators.
Embrace Tomorrow: From Industry 4.0 to the Dawn of 5.0
With Industry 4.0 here and Industry 5.0 on the way, it is clear that manufacturers who want to remain competitive must embrace the latest digital technologies. This is due to the effect of implementing smart technology that allows more to be produced, in less time, with higher quality and, at the same time, reduce costs.