Ruth Arteaga
I am a civil engineer and I work in the writing area. I have a deep passion for civil works. I constantly seek to update myself on new engineering technologies to integrate them into my work, since my main interest is exploring how innovations in the industrial sector can improve and transform the world.
Publications of Ruth Arteaga
Kursk II nuclear power plant receives its first fuel
The Kursk II nuclear power plant will use VVER-TOI reactors with an output of 3300 MWt, capable of generating 1300 MWe gross.
June 20, 2024
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding to Craft Eco-Friendly RORO Ships in Japan
The new vessels will be able to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 10% through the use of dual-fuel engines and energy-saving technology.
June 20, 2024
Starfish Hill wind farm in Australia to extend its useful life
Queensland’s energy minister wore sneakers made from recycled turbine blades, demonstrating the viability of recycling in the wind industry.
June 19, 2024
Lhyfe delivered green hydrogen for storage in salt caves
Hydrogen stored in salt caves can balance energy production and consumption, being extracted on demand to cover consumption peaks.
June 19, 2024
Oil spill in Singapore due to collision between dredger and vessel
The spill has affected a 400,000 square meter marine protected area around Sister’s Islands Marine Park.
June 18, 2024
ZTT single-pile installation vessel to be upgraded
The Zhongtian 39 can lift wind turbine foundations up to 3,200 tons and substation tops up to 4,500 tons.
June 18, 2024