Redactor Mayuly Rodríguez

Mayuly Rodríguez

Mechanical Engineer with experience in the oil and gas sector, has technical skills in static equipment inspection, project control, development of work scopes and quality assurance. Contributes to the exchange of knowledge and best practices by writing technical articles related to the energy sector..
Publications of Mayuly Rodríguez
Impacto de la robótica en la metodología de inspección API RP 58
codes and standards

Impact of robotics on API RP 581 inspection methodology

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodríguez, January 24, 2024.
The integration of robotics into the API RP 581 inspection methodology has improved the way inspections are performed, providing a series of technological advances and improvements in safety, efficiency, coverage and the quality of inspection data, which has led to more accurate and reliable assessments of equipment integrity.


Maintenance and reliability: The secret to operational excellence

Inspenet, December 8, 2023.
Asset management includes the maintenance of equipment and systems in order to prevent failures and maintain operational continuity; or solve failures that require repair such as: problems in components, equipment or systems. Reliability is the result of effective sustainment or control, which measures the ability of a physical asset to perform as intended over a given period.