Redactor Mayuly Rodríguez

Mayuly Rodríguez

Mechanical Engineer with experience in the oil and gas sector, has technical skills in static equipment inspection, project control, development of work scopes and quality assurance. Contributes to the exchange of knowledge and best practices by writing technical articles related to the energy sector..
Publications of Mayuly Rodríguez
inspenet - 1.1
new energies

Technological advances in asset management in the new energy sector

Asset management in this sector methodologically approaches the strategic administration of resources. Its correct and sustainable management not only guarantees optimal control and operations of the assets, linked to the risks and expenses during their useful life, but also promotes the transition towards a sustainable energy future.

inspenet - 1.1
new energies

How will the evolution of batteries affect the energy market?

The evolution of batteries is revolutionizing the energy industry, and it is becoming an increasingly relevant topic for professionals in the energy sector, students, businessmen and researchers. In this article, we will explore how new battery technologies are transforming the energy market and how it affects the transition towards a more sustainable energy matrix.


The Cost of Ignoring Light Product Piping Asset Integrity: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Investments

Inspenet, April 24, 2023.
Pipeline integrity management is critical in the oil and gas industry. The transportation and distribution of fuels and gas, among other light products, is largely carried out through piping systems, where today new technologies make important contributions with the development of methodologies, software, devices to overcome the challenges that the stakeholders face.