Redactor Mario Toyo

Mario Toyo

Industrial Engineer with outstanding experience in Oil and Gas, technical advisor in inspection engineering.

Publications of Mario Toyo
Control de la corrosión por erosión en tuberías marinas
corrosion and materials

Prevention and control of erosion corrosion in marine pipelines

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, February 17, 2024.
Subsea pipelines are systems that are fully or partially submerged in water and are of critical importance in the global energy industry by facilitating the transportation of crude oil and its derivatives through marine terminals. Maintaining its integrity is essential to ensure a safe and reliable energy supply.

Gemelos digitales: La innovación tecnológica que transformará el mundo

Digital twins: The technological innovation that will transform the world

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, February 1, 2024.
Digital twins are the result of replicas between physical reality and digital innovation, they consist of a technological innovation that promises to completely transform the way we interact with the environment. These virtual representations allow you to analyze real processes, experiment with existing physical objects and build hypothetical scenarios to predict behaviors.

Beneficios operativos y de seguridad de una inspección integral API
codes and standards

Maximizing Performance: Operational and Security Benefits of a Comprehensive API Inspection

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, January 30, 2024.
The oil and gas industry, with its complexity and dynamism, demands robust practices to ensure safe and efficient operations. In this context, Comprehensive Inspections under the regulations of the American Petroleum Institute (API) represent a fundamental pillar for asset management and maintenance of industrial facilities.

Los intercambiadores de calor, innovación en marcha
new energies

Heat exchangers: Innovation in progress

Inspenet, January 3, 2024.
Heat exchangers have been an essential, but often underrated component. These devices, crucial in the age of fossil fuels, are undergoing a significant transformation in the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.