Redactor Mario Toyo

Mario Toyo

Industrial Engineer with outstanding experience in Oil and Gas, technical advisor in inspection engineering.

Publications of Mario Toyo
Estrategias y tecnologías en la descarbonización del sector minero

Strategies and technologies in the decarbonization of the mining sector

The mining industry, responsible for approximately 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, faces a serious challenge on its path to a more sustainable future. Climate change demands a fundamental transformation towards more environmentally friendly mining, and decarbonization of the mining sector is the only viable option to ensure a prosperous future for both the sector and the planet.

El futuro del oro negro: Desafíos y estrategias en el sector Upstream

The Future of Black Gold: Challenges and Strategies in the Upstream Sector

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, March 22, 2024.
The oil industry, recognized as the “black gold”, is undergoing a major transformation due to the energy transition in the upstream sector. Oil and gas exploration and production companies face challenges in adapting and developing innovative strategies in response to the growing demand for cleaner energy sources in order to ensure their long-term viability.

Prevención del agrietamiento cáustico en aceros Estrategias y soluciones
corrosion and materials

Preventing Caustic Cracking in Steels: Strategies and Solutions

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, 04 March 2024.
Caustic embrittlement cracking represents one of the most significant challenges in the service life of industrial assets, ranging from oil refining to nuclear power production. This phenomenon mainly affects carbon and low alloy steels, seriously compromising the structural integrity of the equipment.

4 Prácticas de manejo de residuos en plataformas offshore
health & safety management

4 Waste management practices on offshore platforms

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, February 22, 2024.
Waste management on offshore platforms represents a challenge for the energy industry. These offshore structures generate a considerable amount of waste during their oil and natural gas extraction and production operations.