Redactor Tony Zavarce

Antonio Zavarce

Mechanical Engineer with more than 30 years of experience in inspection and management. Currently, he is Director of Operations at INSPENET.

Publications of Antonio Zavarce
Mecanismo de daño por H2S húmedo: Una guía integral para profesionales de la Industria
corrosion and materials

Wet H2S damage mechanism: A comprehensive guide for industry professionals

Author: Eng. Antonio Zavarce, February 19, 2024.
The wet H2S damage mechanism occurs when hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a colorless, toxic and flammable gas naturally present in crude oil and natural gas, comes into contact with water, dissolving and forming a weak acid hydrogen sulfide (H2S) that accelerates corrosive processes, particularly in iron and steel-based materials.

Pilares Inquebrantables: La integridad mecánica como cimiento de la seguridad petrolera

Unbreakable Pillars: Mechanical integrity as the foundation of oil safety

Author: Ing. Antonio Zavarce, January 31, 2024.
The oil industry, the backbone of the global economy and energy, plays a crucial role in sustaining modern infrastructure and contemporary lifestyles. This industry not only drives the engine of the global economy through the production, refining, distribution and marketing of oil and its derivatives, but is also fundamental for the development and maintenance of critical sectors such as transportation, manufacturing and generation. of energy.