Meet the New AI-Powered Inspector Robot!

Spot, a Boston Dynamics robot, can safely and accurately automate inspection tasks and data capture across different terrains ..

Inspenet, 24 Noviembre 2021.


Robotics is advancing, both in the field of the dexterity to handle objects, and in the ability to move through human environments. Despite its current popularity, robotics is not a new phenomenon. Automatons have been installed in factories for several decades, and the use of algorithms by companies to optimize processes or tasks is becoming more and more widespread. What is certain is that recent years have seen notable advances in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence and, within this, automatic learning or machine learning. All of this leads us to think that we are entering a new era of history in which these machines endowed with intelligence are going to monopolize a large part of the leading role.

In this context Spot is an agile mobile robot manufactured by Boston Dynamics capable of unprecedented mobility in a variety of terrains, allowing it to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, accurately and frequently. Among their tasks are monitoring temperatures, checking for possible insects or detecting people.

Equipped with sensors and cameras, the platform is available to take full advantage of its capabilities in various environments, such as monitoring public parks and nuclear power plants. If something unforeseen is found or it is decided to inspect an area more thoroughly, the staff can take remote control of the robot.


artificial intelligence

The imitation of human intelligence allows automatons to process and analyze the information from the environment that they receive through sensors and cameras.

The Boston Dynamics company is a good example of the qualitative leap that robotics science is making. Their models are increasingly performing better in unstructured environments, such as overcoming obstacles and uneven terrain. An example of them is the Spot “cyberdog”, the first of its developments to go on sale, which is capable of moving at a speed of 1.6 meters per second, and moving around complicated places on all kinds of surfaces. In addition, if he falls or tips over, he is able to get up on his own, without help.

The results? Safer, more efficient and predictable operations.

It is a robotic team that can be added additional tools as in the case of Hyundai. This company purchased this robot and equipped it with a special backpack with additional tools and capabilities that complement Spot’s versatility. It also has a thermal camera and an “artificial intelligence processing service unit”, which gives the robot more intelligence and autonomy.

Jobs done by Spot

  • Vigilancia como el caso de la policía francesa, la de Estados Unidos y la de Singapur, las cuales le han asignado tareas de patrullajes.
  • Inspección en sitios de gran riesgo a la integridad física de las personas como, por ejemplo, el uso de este robot en mediciones de radiación en zonas de exclusión en Chernóbil, como también en espacios confinados de difícil acceso y con atmosferas peligrosas.

Features and functionality.

  • Es fuerte. Transporta hasta 14 kg de equipos de inspección.
  • Fácil de controlar. Se controla el robot desde lejos mediante una aplicación de tableta intuitiva y cámaras estéreo integradas. Se usa un mando a distancia similar a una Nintendo Switch. También se le puede conectar unos lentes o gafas de VR que permitan controlarlo de una forma más inmersiva. La idea, no obstante, es que Spot sea capaz de hacer muchas tareas de forma autónoma, sin la intervención de una persona.
  • Inteligente. Se pueden programar misiones autónomas repetibles para recopilar datos consistentes.
  • Percepción 360 °. Utiliza la percepción de 360 ° para mapear el terreno y evitar los obstáculos a medida que aparecen.
  • Gran facilidad de movimiento. Se mueve sobre grava suelta, césped, bordillos y escaleras.
  • Gran equilibrio dinámico. Se equilibra durante los movimientos en entornos inciertos con cargas útiles de hasta 14 kg.


There is no doubt that technology is changing the world, altering priorities and creating new needs, while at the same time making customs that lay in the depths of everyday life disappear. The great changes are obtained from technologies invented many years ago, finding in the current moment the opportunity and fit of circumstances that allow its growth. As is artificial intelligence.
