The future of space propulsion: Solar sails

Solar sails are a key sustainable technology, powering spacecraft with sunlight without the need for chemical fuel.
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Representation of solar sails

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Solar sails are emerging as a key sustainable technology for space exploration, offering an efficient and sustainable solution to traditional space propulsion systems. Recently, NASA has tested the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3), a system that uses sunlight to propel satellites and spacecraft without the need for chemical fuel.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize future research by ensuring long-distance interplanetary missions, opening up new possibilities for space research. In this article, we will explore in detail the performance of solar sails, their advantages, challenges, and their role in the future of space exploration.

What is a solar sail?

The solar sail works in a similar way to sails on ships, but instead of harnessing the wind, it uses photons from the Sun to propel a spacecraft. The photons, although massless, carry energy and momentum, allowing a small but continuous pressure to be generated that can move a spacecraft without the need for fuel.

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Operating principle

The operating principle of the solar sail is based on the luminous solar energy emitted by the Sun in the form of photons. Although photons have no mass, they possess momentum. When these photons collide with the reflecting surface of a solar sail, they transfer part of their momentum to the sail, producing an impulse that pushes the spacecraft in the opposite direction of the light source.

Operating process

  • Photon interaction: Photons from the Sun travel at the speed of light and, when they impact the highly reflective surface of the solar sail, they are reflected. During this reflection, they transfer their momentum to the sail, generating a very small but continuous force. This force, although minimal compared to traditional space motion systems, accumulates over time, allowing the spacecraft to gradually and steadily gain speed.
  • Constant thrust: Unlike chemical rockets that generate large, short bursts, the solar sail provides continuous acceleration as long as sunlight is available. Although the initial thrust is small, over time, the spacecraft can reach very high speeds, ideal for long-haul missions.
  • Steering and control: To maneuver a ship with a solar sail, the angle of the sail relative to the sunlight can be changed. By adjusting the orientation of the sail, the ship can change its direction, allowing maneuvers without the need to start engines or expend fuel.


Solar sails are composed of extremely lightweight, reflective materials that are deployed from small spacecraft, such as CubeSats, to maximize the area of contact with sunlight. The ACS3, for example, uses reflective panels mounted on composite arms that extend once the spacecraft is in space, allowing effective capture of solar radiation.

NASA’s ACS3 mission

In October 2024, NASA tested its composite solar sail system in orbit with a pivotal test of its Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3), using a small CubeSat satellite as a test platform. This interplanetary mission represents an important step towards the use of solar sails in long-duration space exploration, demonstrating the feasibility of deploying and attitude controlling these sails in a real-world environment.

This solar sail reflects sunlight to create a constant pressure on the spacecraft, allowing it to maneuver without fuel. Initial testing included stabilizing the spacecraft and testing the effectiveness of the attitude control system, crucial steps for its viability on future missions.

Figure 1 shows an image depicting NASA Langley Research Center engineers testing the deployment of the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System solar sail. The deployed solar sail measures approximately 9 meters on a side. Since the solar radiation pressure is small, the solar sail must be large to generate thrust efficiently.

ACS3 mission solar sails
Figure 1. Preparation of the NASA ACS3 mission.


  • Rudy Aquilina, ACS3 project manager, highlighted how this technology inspires new ways of imagining space travel, enabling bigger and bolder missions.
  • Alan Rhodes, lead engineer for the system, emphasized that this source of solar energy is virtually infinite, eliminating the need for huge fuel tanks for future missions.

ACS3 represents a major step toward the feasibility of a large-scale, long-duration interplanetary mission, with the potential to completely transform space research and make interplanetary travel a reality. The combination of materials innovation and sustainable technology could define the next era of space technology.

Initial results

The spacecraft, equipped with reflective panels and a sophisticated attitude control system, was able to maneuver in space using only sunlight. Initial tests succeeded in stabilizing the spacecraft and controlling it without the need for chemical space propulsion. This achievement is critical for future missions, as the sail technology offers a sustainable, low-cost alternative for deep space exploration.

Innovative technology

The ACS3 mission uses carbon fiber composite booms, which are significantly lighter and stronger than traditional metal structures. These booms make it possible to deploy an 80-square-meter solar sail, more than twice the height of the International Space Station.

Earth observation

One of the most interesting features of the ACS3 mission is that the reflective solar sails are visible from Earth at certain times. NASA has provided a feature on its mobile app that allows the public to follow the CubeSat trajectory and share photos of the solar sail with the hashtag #SpotTheSail. This interactive approach not only brings science closer to the people but also raises awareness of the potential of this technology. For supplemental information, NASA’s Mission for the Next Generation Solar Sail NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System aims to advance future space travel and expand our understanding of our Sun and solar system.

Figure 2 shows an image representing the Earth observation of the ACS3 mission, where a reflective solar sail is visible from space. The image also shows a cell phone tracking the CubeSat trajectory through the NASA application. This image highlights the interactive aspect of the mission and its ability to engage the public.

Representation of solar sails observation
Figure 2. Earth observation of the ACS3 mission.

Advantages of solar sail propulsion

The use of the system offers a number of significant advantages over traditional space propulsion systems:

  1. Energy efficiency: One of the main advantages of sails is their ability to harness an inexhaustible source of energy: “sunlight”. This means that the ships can continue to move indefinitely without the need for refueling, making them an ideal choice for long-distance missions.
  2. Continuous propulsion: Unlike chemical engines that require stops for refueling, a solar sail can provide constant acceleration over time, ideal for long-range missions.
  3. Reduced operational costs: Eliminating the need for chemical fuel reduces the costs associated with launching and maintaining spacecraft. This could democratize space research, allowing more agencies and organizations to carry out missions that were previously prohibitively expensive.
  4. Sustainability: The absence of fuel means that missions can last much longer without the burden and cost of refueling.

Technological challenges

Although the technology of these candles has great potential, it still faces several challenges:

  1. Attitude and stability control: One of the biggest challenges is the control of the spacecraft during deployment and flight. During ACS3 testing, a controlled wobble of the spacecraft was observed, part of the planned tests to better understand the behavior of this technology in space. For future missions, it will be crucial to refine the attitude control systems to avoid loss of stability.
  2. Limitations in initial velocity: Although the technology provides constant acceleration, it is very gradual compared to chemical space drive systems. Therefore, they are not ideal for missions requiring rapid exit from Earth orbit, although they could be very useful for long-term missions where the goal is to maintain a constant velocity for extended periods.
  3. Efficiency at long distances from the Sun: As a ship moves away from the Sun, the amount of solar energy available decreases, reducing the sail’s efficiency. However, advances in reflective materials could mitigate this problem.

Future applications

The success of ACS3 has opened the door for a number of future applications of solar sails in space exploration. These include:

  1. Interplanetary missions: The ability to provide constant acceleration without fuel makes them an attractive option for missions to other planets, such as Mars or even beyond. Interplanetary travel could benefit greatly from this technology, reducing the costs and risks associated with traditional space propulsion systems.
  2. Asteroid and comet exploration: They could play a crucial role in the exploration of asteroids and comets. Since these objects may be located at great distances from the Sun, the ability to conduct long-term missions without relying on chemical space propulsion would be a significant advance.
  3. Long-endurance satellites: Satellites equipped with these systems could be kept in operation for much longer periods than current satellites, providing continuous access to important data about the Earth and outer space.

Below is a video courtesy of NASA. Its Advanced Composite Solar Sail System is intended to advance future space travel and expand our understanding of our Sun and solar system.

YouTube video


Solar sail technology represents an exciting advance in the field of space propulsion innovation. Harnessing solar energy could transform the way we explore space, making long-distance interplanetary missions possible with lower cost and greater sustainability.

Although there are still technical challenges to overcome, such as attitude control and acceleration rate, recent tests of NASA’s ACS3 system have demonstrated the potential of this sustainable technology. With further development and refinement, they could become the preferred method for deep space exploration in the not-too-distant future.

Explore the future of space propulsion with solar sails! Discover this innovative technology today.


  1. The Planetary Society: “ACS3, NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System”
  2. “NASA’s solar sail spacecraft is visible in the night sky. Here’s how to see it”
  3. Space Insights: “ACS3, the New NASA Solar Sail Deployed in Space”
  4. NASA: “ Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3)”

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