Hydrogen vs. gasoline: A comparison of fuels for the future of energy

It is crucial to analyze the differences between hydrogen and gasoline to understand their efficiency, environmental impact and role in the energy transition.
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The world’s demand for clean energy has grown exponentially in recent decades, driving the urgent need to find sustainable solutions to ensure supply without compromising the environment. Gasoline, for more than a century, has been the predominant fuel for global transportation, powering internal combustion engines that have driven industrial and economic development.

However, with increasing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, people have begun to look beyond fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives. Among these, hydrogen is emerging as a viable and innovative alternative solution.

In this context, comparing hydrogen and gasoline is fundamental to understanding the opportunities and challenges in the transition to cleaner energy. Currently, due to the climate crisis, the efficiency and availability of fuels, and their environmental impact and future viability are being evaluated. Delving into the key differences between hydrogen and gasoline is significant to ensure their production, storage, efficiency, environmental impact, and the role both fuels will play in the transition to cleaner energy.

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What is hydrogen and gasoline?

Gasoline is a liquid hydrocarbon derived from crude oil, a fossil resource formed over millions of years from the decomposition of organic matter under conditions of high pressure and temperature below the earth’s surface. Gasoline is produced through a refining process in which the various components of crude oil are separated and purified by fractional distillation and cracking.

Since the early 20th century, gasoline has been the dominant fuel in internal combustion engines, powering automobiles, airplanes, and heavy machinery. Its high energy density and mass availability have facilitated its widespread adoption, cementing it as a mainstay of the global economy and transportation infrastructure.

Whereas hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it is a light, highly reactive gas that is not found in isolation on Earth but combined in compounds such as water (H₂O). As a fuel, hydrogen has great potential due to its high energy density and ability to generate electricity without greenhouse gas emissions when used in fuel cells, a process in which hydrogen reacts with oxygen in the air to produce electrical energy.

Importantly, during this reaction, the only by-product is water in the form of steam, which means that no polluting gases such as carbon dioxide (CO₂), are emitted. This makes hydrogen a clean fuel or clean energy source when used in these systems, especially if it has been produced in a sustainable manner.

Hydrogen as a fuel is classified according to the production process: Gray hydrogen, obtained from natural gas reforming and responsible for significant CO₂ emissions; blue hydrogen, produced in a similar manner, but with carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reduce environmental impact; and green hydrogen, generated by electrolysis of water using renewable energy, making it a clean and sustainable energy option.

IMG 1 Hydrogen vs. gasoline A comparison of fuels for the future of energy

Production and supply

Gasoline production begins with the extraction of crude oil, which is extracted from subway deposits using technologies such as drilling and fracking. Once extracted, the crude oil is transported to refineries where it undergoes fractional distillation, a process that separates the different components according to their boiling points. Gasoline is one of the most valued products of this process, due to its high energy density and versatility as a fuel.

The global infrastructure for the production and distribution of gasoline is highly developed, with pipelines, refineries, and service stations around the world, allowing mass access to it. However, this infrastructure is closely tied to fossil resources, a finite source whose use continues to raise environmental and geopolitical concerns.

Hydrogen is produced by different processes, each with distinct technological and environmental implications. Water electrolysis is one of the most promising forms, especially when powered by renewable sources, resulting in green hydrogen, completely free of carbon emissions. This process splits water into oxygen and hydrogen using electricity.

Another common form is natural gas reforming, which produces gray hydrogen by releasing large amounts of CO₂. A more advanced variant is blue hydrogen, which captures that CO₂ to prevent it from being released into the atmosphere, although this adds additional costs.

Currently, the production costs of hydrogen, especially green hydrogen, are considerably higher than those of gasoline due to emerging infrastructure and technologies. However, with technological advances and an increase in the scale of production, these costs are expected to decrease, making hydrogen a clean and competitive energy option for the energy future.

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Energy density and efficiency

Gasoline is known for its high energy density, which means it can store a large amount of energy in a relatively small volume. On average, gasoline’s energy density is approximately 12,000 Wh/kg, making it extremely efficient for applications such as transportation, where space and weight are limited. This explains why it has been the fuel of choice in internal combustion engines for more than a century.

However, the efficiency of internal combustion engines is relatively low. Only a portion of the energy contained in gasoline is converted into useful energy to move a vehicle, while a large proportion is lost as heat. On average, internal combustion engines have an efficiency of 20-30%, which means that up to 70-80% of the energy in gasoline is wasted.

Hydrogen has an even higher energy density per kilogram than gasoline, reaching approximately 33,000 Wh/kg, a characteristic that guarantees an energetically denser fuel. However, the volumetric density is significantly lower, which presents a problem for storage and transportation. To use hydrogen efficiently, it is necessary to compress or liquefy it, which requires advanced technology and an adequate infrastructure.

In terms of efficiency, fuel cell vehicles using hydrogen can be much more efficient than internal combustion engines, with efficiencies reaching 50-60%. This means that, although hydrogen storage is more complex, its use in fuel cells could generate less energy waste and ultimately be more cost-effective in the long term.

Environmental impact

Gasoline, being a fossil fuel, is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO₂). Every time gasoline is burned in an internal combustion engine, large amounts of CO₂ are released, contributing directly to climate change. It is estimated that fossil fuel combustion is responsible for approximately 75% of global CO₂ emissions.

In addition, oil extraction and refining, which are necessary for the production of gasoline, also have considerable environmental impacts. Oil spills during extraction can devastate marine and coastal ecosystems, while the refining process contributes to air pollution, releasing hazardous chemicals such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which affect air quality and public health.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, is a clean energy source and thus a clean fuel. When used in fuel cells, it only generates water vapor as a byproduct, which means it does not emit CO₂ or other pollutants. However, the environmental impact of hydrogen depends largely on the production method.

Gray hydrogen, produced from natural gas without carbon capture, generates large amounts of CO₂ emissions. Blue hydrogen is an intermediate option, as it captures part of the CO₂ produced during its manufacture, while green hydrogen, obtained by electrolysis using renewable energy, is practically emission-free.

Hydrogen and gasoline as energy sources

Although hydrogen itself does not generate pollution, its transport and storage also pose significant challenges. Hydrogen leaks, while not generating CO₂, can affect the climate by interacting with other gases in the atmosphere, and can also pose a safety risk due to its high flammability. Therefore, the infrastructure required for their use must be carefully managed to avoid these impacts.

Storage and distribution

Gasoline is relatively easy to store and transport due to the highly developed global infrastructure. Refineries, pipelines, tankers, and filling stations form an efficient and consolidated network that facilitates the massive supply of gasoline worldwide. This makes its distribution fast and accessible almost anywhere in the world, which has enabled its widespread use for more than a century.

However, the storage and transportation of gasoline are not without risk. The flammability of gasoline makes it a hazard in the event of leaks or accidents during handling. In addition, gasoline spills have serious environmental consequences, contaminating soils and bodies of water, and negatively affecting local ecosystems.

Hydrogen, in contrast, presents significant problems in terms of storage and distribution. Because of its low volumetric density, hydrogen needs to be stored in compressed (at high pressure) or liquefied (at extremely low temperatures) form. Another option is to store it in special materials called hydrides, but these technologies are still under development.

Currently, the infrastructure for hydrogen distribution is limited relative to gasoline, and substantial investments are needed to build an efficient network. However, advances in fuel cell vehicles allow for greater energy efficiency in the long term, as these vehicles convert hydrogen directly into electricity, which reduces energy losses compared to internal combustion engines.

Costs and economic viability

The cost of producing and distributing gasoline is relatively low, in part due to a well-established infrastructure. Although gasoline prices fluctuate due to factors such as global supply and demand, oil markets, and geopolitical politics, it remains an affordable fuel. However, these prices are also subject to sudden increases in situations of political instability or reduction in oil reserves.

In comparison, hydrogen is currently more expensive to produce and distribute, especially green hydrogen, which uses renewable energy for its production. High production costs and limited infrastructure make hydrogen not as economically viable an option as gasoline in the short term.

As hydrogen production technologies advance and demand grows, costs are expected to drop significantly. In addition, investments in infrastructure, such as hydrogen stations and more efficient storage technologies, will be crucial to make hydrogen compete economically with fossil fuels.

Future of hydrogen and gasoline in the energy transition

Despite increasing initiatives to reduce the use of fossil fuels, gasoline will remain part of the global energy matrix for years to come. Its established infrastructure and high energy density ensure its role in transportation and industry, particularly in regions with low adoption of alternatives.

However, pressure to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change is accelerating the search for cleaner fuels. With the introduction of stricter regulations and the drive towards renewables, it is inevitable that gasoline use will gradually decline. In the long term, gasoline is likely to be relegated to specific applications where alternatives are not yet viable, but its dominance is set to decline.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, is positioned as a key fuel in the transition to a clean energy economy. Its ability to generate energy without polluting emissions, when produced sustainably, makes it a promising option. Hydrogen will be crucial in sectors where electrification faces difficulties, such as heavy industry, aviation, and shipping, where batteries are impractical due to high energy demands.

As more efficient infrastructure and technologies are developed, hydrogen could play a leading role in the decarbonization of these industries, contributing significantly to global emission reduction and sustainability goals.

IMG 3 Hydrogen vs. gasoline A comparison of fuels for the future of energy
Representation of a city in the future powered by clean hydrogen energy.


Hydrogen and gasoline as fuels present certain differences that affect both the present and future of global energy. On the one hand, gasoline has dominated the energy sector for more than a century due to its high energy density and the extensive infrastructure that facilitates its production and distribution. However, its environmental impact is considerable, being one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change and generating pollution in its extraction and use.

On the other hand, hydrogen is presented as a cleaner and more efficient fuel in the long term, especially if it is produced in a sustainable manner, as is the case with green hydrogen. Although its storage and distribution still pose challenges, and its production costs are currently high, its ability to generate clean energy without emissions makes it a key pillar in the energy transition. Sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as heavy industry, shipping, and aviation, will find hydrogen a viable solution to reduce their carbon footprint.

It is important to continue investing in the development of hydrogen production, storage, and distribution technologies, as well as in infrastructures that enable their large-scale adoption. The path to a sustainable energy future is not without its challenges, but the combination of declining fossil fuels and alternative energies such as hydrogen will be key to achieving an energy transition that is efficient, secure and guarantees the supply needed for global development.


  1. International Energy Agency (IEA) – “The Future of Hydrogen” (2019).
  2. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) – “Hydrogen Production: Overview of Technology Options”.
  3. World Economic Forum (WEF) – “Hydrogen: A Renewable Energy Perspective” (2019).
  4. British Petroleum (BP) – “Statistical Review of World Energy” (2021).
  5. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) – “Hydrogen: A New Power for the Energy Transition”.
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