Digital Sensors: Transforming the Corrosion Control Paradigm

Inspenet, November 1, 2023. Effectively controlling corrosion is a process that involves performing scheduled inspections, thorough risk analysis, and proper material selection. The integration of conventional control methods with technological innovations, such as digital sensors and mathematical models, allows for the accurate simulation, analysis and prediction of corrosive processes.
Sensores digitales

Author: Ing. Jesús V, November 1, 2023.


Effectively controlling corrosion is a process that involves performing scheduled inspections, thorough risk analysis, and proper material selection. The integration of conventional control methods with technological innovations, such as digital sensors and mathematical models, allows the simulation, analysis and precise prediction of corrosive processes, representing a significant advance in the field of Corrosion Engineering.

Corrosion control is a process that focuses on preventing, controlling and mitigating corrosive effects on materials and structures. To achieve this, strategies are covered to extend useful life, ensure and reduce the need for maintenance and component replacement. Key preventive measures include the use of corrosion-resistant materials, protective coatings, and system designs among others. Digital sensors technically represent a new option in indirect corrosion control.

However, despite their enormous usefulness, using these devices entails certain considerations to take into account before their implementation. Therefore, in the following article we will study said equipment, its importance in the control of corrosive phenomena and the challenges and considerations that must be overcome for its ideal adoption.

The challenge of corrosion control in industry

Previously, corrosion detection was carried out in a process that consumed months of work, requiring the mobilization of numerous professionals on floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) platforms to identify irregularities throughout the facility. Furthermore, this process did not consider later stages of corrosion control, such as paint treatment, maintenance and decision making.

This procedure, therefore, proved to be obsolete and inefficient, especially when dealing with large-scale structures located in maritime environments. This methodology exposed multiple people to great risks over extended periods of time. Even diagnostics were required in corroded areas using rope climbing techniques. Consequently, this approach led to both unsafe and inefficient operations.

One aspect to highlight was that this type of inspection could involve relating data from each of the components of the asset. Which was not something easy to access due to the number of documents with information data about the structures. Finally, the procedures and results of the inspections were prepared manually, which not only led to late decision-making, but also the possibility that the results were imprecise 1 .

Due to the number of challenges involved in carrying out corrosion control processes, the need for new technologies such as sensors that allow the optimization of work became evident, through them it is possible to achieve better results in inspections and treatments. , and at the same time the safety of the workers is guaranteed.

What are digital sensors?

Digital sensors are fundamental tools in the effective control of corrosion that can occur in pipes and industrial structures. Its form of use is through networks composed of these devices that cover the infrastructure to be monitored.

By being strategically located, the sensors allow different parameters to be captured in real time, such as, for example, humidity, temperature and other factors related to corrosion 2 . In this way, the sensor network allows continuous monitoring and data collection, offering a comprehensive perspective on corrosive behavior.

The real-time collection of infrastructure parameters allows operators to know in detail their conditions and thus identify the triggering factors of corrosion and therefore the most appropriate method for control.

Benefits of implementing digitalized tools

Using digital sensors to control corrosion generates a series of benefits that can be of great help to any company. Some of these advantages are:

  • Continuous monitoring: Through new technologies , structures and equipment can be monitored in real time and without any type of interruption. This is a great advantage because it allows for early detection of problems, which would result in choosing the most appropriate corrective treatments.
  • Greater precision: Sensors and their scanners offer a precise analysis of the structures to be inspected. Having accurate and detailed data enables better decision making.
  • Improved safety: Early detection of faults is vital to prevent accidents. Also, these devices can be useful for carrying out inspection activities in risk environments and structures for operators.
  • Operational improvement: Implementing these sensors in the work scheme guarantees better resolution of corrosion control procedures. This ensures the development of activities in an efficient manner.
  • Optimization of resources: Knowing the current state of the equipment and structure offers the guarantee of being able to use them optimally. That is, realizing the state of these assets ensures their correct use and replacement if they are no longer suitable.
  • Documentation: The data and results obtained through these technologies can be recorded and documented in records for correct monitoring. Additionally, access to this data can be carried out immediately remotely.

Adoption cases

  • General Electric: This company produces sensors that ensure the safe extraction and transportation of oil 3 . Thanks to RightraxPM sensors they can analyze various parameters and also predict the corrosion rate.
  • BP: The company has implemented the use of digital sensors to guarantee corrosion control in its pipes 4 . To keep its assets safe, the organization uses these devices in such a way that they can quickly detect the presence of corrosion and take corrective action.
  • Chevron: Chevron is currently adopting these devices to measure corrosion in pipes, and also to measure the levels of the tanks at its facilities 5 . The sensors they implemented are connected to the cloud so that employees can conveniently monitor variants such as temperature, pressure, vibration, etc.

Considerations for the adoption of digital sensors

  • Trained staff: Although these digital tools present a wide variety of functions that optimize work, the human factor remains essential. For this reason, workers who implement these new technologies will need to have the knowledge required to interpret and validate the data provided by the devices.
  • Cultural changes: Adopting a corrosion management system can cause structural changes. One of the potential changes would be regarding the work and safety culture of the industrial entity. As it is an innovation that seeks to optimize results and ensure workers, its proper implementation should not be affected by resistance to change and its improvements.
  • Integration of various components: Adopting different sensors to a corrosion management system leads to technical and logistical challenges. Properly integrating these devices is extremely important, since they are the ones that will provide a detailed view of the behavior and development of corrosion in the assets, thus preparing us for subsequent decision-making.
  • Adaptability of tools: Variables such as corrosion speed and climatic conditions may differ from one region to another; However, the sensors can adapt to these types of variations. Optimal technologies must be able to generalize well across different operating conditions, pipe materials, and corrosion mechanisms.


Digitalization has innovated the way corrosion is addressed, enabling safer, more efficient and predictive operations in the industry. Thanks to the constant advances in digital sensors and the cooperation of the sector, a promising horizon is projected with regard to asset corrosion control. These innovations will guide the industry towards an infrastructure that stands out for its efficiency and safety.


  1. Vidyatec. (2023). How is AI applied to corrosion detection? . Retrieved October 30, 2023, from
  2. Eliyan, F. (2023, August 17). Leveraging AI for Enhanced Corrosion Control in Oil Pipelines . Retrieved October 30, 2023, from
  3. General Electric. (sf). Predictive Corrosion Management. Retrieved November 1, 2023, from
  4. Wired. (sf). BP is Reimagining Fuel Stations with Machine Learning and IoT . Retrieved November 1, 2023, from
  5. Microsoft. (sf). Chevron’s connected machines are telling a story about saving time and money . Retrieved November 1, 2023, from %20also% 20is %20piloting% 20the ,and %20other% 20types %20of% 20measurements .