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maritime terminals and monobuoys

Rules and regulations for the operation of terminals and storage tanks

Inspenet, June 1, 2023.
The safe and operational efficiency of terminals and storage tanks is essential to ensure the reliable and safe supply of liquid products globally. However, differences in existing rules and regulations can make it difficult to implement best practices and adopt uniform standards across the industry.

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operation management

The price of ignoring asset management: can you afford it?

Inspenet, May 31, 2023.
In industrial sectors, where efficiency, productivity and safety are key, there is a critical factor that often goes unnoticed: asset management. Ignoring it can have significant economic consequences for companies, both directly and indirectly. You know the different costs associated with the mismanagement of assets and how they can affect organizations

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corrosion and materials

Corrosion: The invisible enemy of the industry

Corrosion in industry can have devastating consequences that can cause problems in structures and equipment. From material degradation to costly downtime, corrosion can significantly affect the profitability and safety of businesses.

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Market analysis of the main minerals (gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum)

Inspenet, May 28, 2023.
The mining industry has been a fundamental pillar in the economic development of many nations throughout history. Minerals play an important role in various sectors, from construction and electronics to jewelry and renewable energy. In this market analysis, we will focus on the main minerals: gold, silver, copper, iron and aluminum, and we will explore the focus on sustainable extraction, extraction and processing technologies, as well as the prospects of the mining industry.