

Asset integrity management on offshore platforms

Inspenet, October 16, 2023.
In the productive and energy industries, effective asset integrity management on offshore platforms is essential; where in the maritime sector it has historically been a challenge. In this sense, each process and component demands comprehensive control, supervision and maintenance strategies.

api american petroleum institute inspenet
codes and standards

Importance and benefits of API Standards in the oil and gas industry

Inspenet, October 5, 2023.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) is an organization that has established a series of technical standards for the oil and natural gas industry. These standards cover everything from drilling and production to transportation and refining. Its objective is to ensure that processes are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly.

Inspenet- NACE
corrosion and materials

NACE SP0169 and its role in external corrosion control in pipelines

In the constant battle against structural degradation induced by external corrosion, particularly in infrastructures operating in restricted access areas where inspections are difficult to perform, the NACE SP0169 standard on “Control of external corrosion in subway or submerged metallic piping systems”.