
Inspección base cero para activos upstream de petróleo y gas
equipment inspection

Zero-based inspection for upstream oil and gas assets

Author: Ing. Euclides Quiñonez, February 11, 2024.
The upstream oil and gas sector faces constant challenges to ensure the safety, reliability and efficiency of its assets. Zero-based inspection emerges as a fundamental strategy to address these challenges, allowing for a thorough assessment of assets at an early stage without relying on background information.

Planificación de inspecciones en paradas de planta

Planning of plant shutdown inspections

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodríguez, February 10, 2024.
The planning and control of plant shutdown inspections transcends the need to ensure compliance with required or requested inspection activities to ensure the integrity and reliability of the plant under maintenance.


Vibrations in hydrocarbon pipelines: How to detect and prevent failures

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodríguez, February 6, 2024.
The detection and prevention of vibrations in hydrocarbon pipelines is of utmost importance. It is not only about protecting the physical integrity of the pipelines and associated systems, but also about protecting the environment and the safety of workers and communities. Additionally, uncontrolled vibrations can lead to a decrease in operational efficiency, increase maintenance costs, and reduce equipment life.