
Tecnología Blockchain en el sector petrolero

What is the Blockchain and what is its impact on the oil sector?

Author: Ing. Jesus V, March 18, 2024.
Originally conceived as a foundation for cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology has become a bridge to the digital transformation of various industries, including oil. This is largely due to its ability to offer transparency, immutability and efficiency through smart contracts.

Energía Eólica Marina
new energies

Comprehensive offshore wind energy risk assessment

Author; Ing. Mayuly Rodriguez, March 16, 2024.
The global energy transition has sparked considerable interest in power generation through offshore wind farms; this drive towards renewable energy sources is significant in the fight against climate change. Offshore wind energy, with its impressive wind turbines, is an effective solution for generating clean electricity.

Inspección y mantenimiento de válvulas de alivio en plantas en servicio

Inspection and maintenance of relief valves in plants in service

Author: Analyst. Jose Lopez, March 15, 2024.
Pressure Relief Valves (PRV) are safety components in industrial plants, protecting systems against overpressure situations that could cause damage or even catastrophic consequences. They are designed to release overpressurization in order to protect assets, following international standards and regulations.

Soluciones digitales para el control de la corrosión en el sector oil & gas
corrosion and materials

Digital solutions for corrosion control in the oil & gas industry

In the oil and gas industry, corrosion represents one of the most significant and costly challenges, affecting not only the integrity and safety of facilities, but also operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. Faced with this challenge, the oil sector has focused on the search for digital solutions with advanced technology for corrosion monitoring and control.

Avances en la evaluación del Ataque por Hidrógeno a Alta Temperatura HTHA Técnica Ultrasónica de Imágenes por Coherencia de Fase (PCI)
non destructive testing

Advances in the Evaluation of High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA): Ultrasonic Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI) Technique

Author: Ing. Carlos Alvarez, March 13, 2024.
High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) represents a significant risk
for industrial equipment operating in environments with high hydrogen content, especially in sectors such as petrochemicals and refining. Recent advances in ultrasound technology, particularly Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI), offer promising solutions to improve HTHA assessment.