
Desarrollo de materiales avanzados para mejorar la resistencia a la corrosión en paneles solares
corrosion and materials

Development of advanced materials to improve corrosion resistance in solar panels

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, March 24, 2024.
Corrosion in solar panels represents a significant problem in the solar energy industry, caused by exposure to aggressive environmental conditions. Corrosion in photovoltaic modules will lead to a reduction in module power output and affect the entire output of your system. In this respect, advances in materials play an important role, especially in the manufacture of these components.

Tendencias en la eficiencia energética del sector Oil & Gas

Energy Efficiency Trends Transform Oil & Gas Sector

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodriguez, March 23, 2024.
The Oil & Gas sector, as one of the world’s largest energy consumers, faces increasing pressure to improve its energy efficiency. This requirement arises from the need to comply with stricter environmental regulations, respond to the increase in global energy demand and mitigate its ecological impact. Energy efficiency in the Oil & Gas sector has become a critical issue, reflecting a commitment to both environmental sustainability and operational optimization.

El futuro del oro negro: Desafíos y estrategias en el sector Upstream

The Future of Black Gold: Challenges and Strategies in the Upstream Sector

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, March 22, 2024.
The oil industry, recognized as the “black gold”, is undergoing a major transformation due to the energy transition in the upstream sector. Oil and gas exploration and production companies face challenges in adapting and developing innovative strategies in response to the growing demand for cleaner energy sources in order to ensure their long-term viability.

Causas comunes de fallas en uniones bridadas de tuberías de proceso

Common causes of process piping flanged joint failures

Author Ing. Euclides Quiñonez, March 21, 2024.
Flanged joints are key elements in process piping systems, allowing secure and flexible connections for ease of maintenance, inspection, and system modification. Despite their importance, these joints are prone to various failures that can significantly compromise the safe and efficient operation of industrial facilities.

La formación en el trabajo como clave para la optimización de resultados
human talent management

On-the-job training as a key to performance optimization

Author: Ph.D. Aracely T. Henríquez B, 20 March 2024.
Currently, the work environment is characterized by: a decline in the traditional paradigm of employment in a single company, changes in the structural configuration of organizations and hierarchical arrangement of work, demand for digital skills and requirements for highly specialized jobs.