
maritime terminals and monobuoys

Optimization of sustainability in port facilities

Author: Ing. Jesús Vogler, February 2, 2024.
Port activity has acquired increasing relevance in recent years, being fundamental for the growth of foreign trade and the development of nations. However, the future of this sector will depend on its prompt adaptation to new demands, highlighting the need for modern infrastructures that have greater capacity, environmental focus, integration with local communities and urban-social harmony.

Gemelos digitales: La innovación tecnológica que transformará el mundo

Digital twins: The technological innovation that will transform the world

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, February 1, 2024.
Digital twins are the result of replicas between physical reality and digital innovation, they consist of a technological innovation that promises to completely transform the way we interact with the environment. These virtual representations allow you to analyze real processes, experiment with existing physical objects and build hypothetical scenarios to predict behaviors.

Pilares Inquebrantables: La integridad mecánica como cimiento de la seguridad petrolera

Unbreakable Pillars: Mechanical integrity as the foundation of oil safety

Author: Ing. Antonio Zavarce, January 31, 2024.
The oil industry, the backbone of the global economy and energy, plays a crucial role in sustaining modern infrastructure and contemporary lifestyles. This industry not only drives the engine of the global economy through the production, refining, distribution and marketing of oil and its derivatives, but is also fundamental for the development and maintenance of critical sectors such as transportation, manufacturing and generation. of energy.

Beneficios operativos y de seguridad de una inspección integral API
codes and standards

Maximizing Performance: Operational and Security Benefits of a Comprehensive API Inspection

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, January 30, 2024.
The oil and gas industry, with its complexity and dynamism, demands robust practices to ensure safe and efficient operations. In this context, Comprehensive Inspections under the regulations of the American Petroleum Institute (API) represent a fundamental pillar for asset management and maintenance of industrial facilities.

Optimización del rendimiento de los ventiladores industriales

Optimizing the performance of industrial fans

Author: Analyst. José López, January 29, 2024.
The performance of industrial fans is an essential factor to guarantee efficient operations in various sectors. Proper selection, efficient design and proactive maintenance are significant elements to optimize the performance of this equipment, ensuring safe and productive operating conditions.

Ensuring efficiency Key tips for evaluating steel chimneys in the petroleum industry

Ensuring efficiency: Key tips for evaluating steel chimneys in the petroleum industry

Author: Ing. Euclides Quiñonez, January 28, 2024.
Detailed and optimal inspection of steel chimneys in the oil industry is essential to ensure efficient, safe operation and compliance with environmental and safety regulations. In this article we will explore the keys to carrying out a comprehensive inspection, addressing topics such as the evaluation of structural conditions, periodic review, safety regulations and other critical aspects that ensure the performance and integrity of these structures.