
Influencia de la condiciones ambientales en la corrosión atmosférica
corrosion and materials

Influence of environmental conditions on atmospheric corrosion

Author: Ing. Mayuly Rodriguez, March 9, 2024.
Atmospheric corrosion does not depend exclusively on the affected asset, since it develops under the influence of corrosive factors or agents present in the atmosphere. These factors are humidity, ambient temperature, wind, salinity, acid gases, suspended particles, among others.

Maximizando la eficiencia Optimización en equipos rotativos

Maximizing efficiency: Optimization in rotating equipment

Author: Inspector. José López, 08 March 2024.
Maximizing efficiency in rotating equipment is a fundamental element in various industries. Efficient rotating equipment leads to cost savings, extended equipment life, improved safety, increased productivity and better resource management.

Avances científicos en la protección contra la corrosión mediante recubrimientos de grafeno
corrosion and materials

Scientific advances in corrosion protection using graphene coatings

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, 07 March 2024.
Coatings of graphene, a polymeric nanomaterial, represent an innovative advance in corrosion control. Composed of layers of carbon arranged in a hexagonal structure, graphene is extraordinarily strong and lightweight, promising to transform industries with its versatility and unique properties.

Ultrasonido por Arreglo de Fases en el control de la corrosión en tuberías menores
non destructive testing

Phase Array Ultrasound (PAUT) in corrosion control of minor pipelines

Author: Ing. Carlos Alvarez, 06 March 2024.
Corrosion control is a problem in industries, especially in sectors that depend on pipelines for the transport of fluids such as oil, gas and water, such as the petroleum, petrochemical and nuclear sectors. Internal corrosion of pipelines, if not properly controlled, can lead to catastrophic failures, environmental damage, loss of life and large financial losses.

Directrices de AMPP en la gestión de la corrosión de Ios activos en la industria Oil & Gas
codes and standards

AMPP guidelines on corrosion management of assets in the Oil & Gas industry

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, 05 March 2024.
Corrosion is one of the main problems in the oil and gas industry because it can cause equipment and pipeline failures, loss of productivity and additional costs for repair and replacement of affected assets. AMPP in corrosion management plays an important role in the integrity of industrial assets.

Prevención del agrietamiento cáustico en aceros Estrategias y soluciones
corrosion and materials

Preventing Caustic Cracking in Steels: Strategies and Solutions

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, 04 March 2024.
Caustic embrittlement cracking represents one of the most significant challenges in the service life of industrial assets, ranging from oil refining to nuclear power production. This phenomenon mainly affects carbon and low alloy steels, seriously compromising the structural integrity of the equipment.