Mecanismo de daño por H2S húmedo: Una guía integral para profesionales de la Industria
corrosion and materials

Wet H2S damage mechanism: A comprehensive guide for industry professionals

Author: Eng. Antonio Zavarce, February 19, 2024.
The wet H2S damage mechanism occurs when hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a colorless, toxic and flammable gas naturally present in crude oil and natural gas, comes into contact with water, dissolving and forming a weak acid hydrogen sulfide (H2S) that accelerates corrosive processes, particularly in iron and steel-based materials.

Control de la corrosión por erosión en tuberías marinas
corrosion and materials

Prevention and control of erosion corrosion in marine pipelines

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, February 17, 2024.
Subsea pipelines are systems that are fully or partially submerged in water and are of critical importance in the global energy industry by facilitating the transportation of crude oil and its derivatives through marine terminals. Maintaining its integrity is essential to ensure a safe and reliable energy supply.

Estrategias de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la minería
safety, health and environment (hse)

Occupational Health and Safety Strategies in Mining

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, February 16, 2024.
Occupational Health and Safety actions in mining go beyond simply controlling and preventing the risks inherent to this activity. This is a comprehensive strategy that seeks not only to safeguard workers’ health, but also to instill a safety culture rooted in active awareness of the importance of safety protocols.

Importancia de los compresores en la quema de gases combustibles

Importance of compressors in the combustion of fuel gases

Author: Analyst. José López, February 15, 2024.
Compressors in gas flaring play a very important role in a variety of industrial applications involving the handling and transfer of gases. However, its effectiveness is only achieved when the technology is properly selected and applied in the relevant contexts.

Indicadores de confiabilidad: Claves para el rendimiento óptimo

Reliability Indicators: Keys to Optimal Performance

Author: Ing. Jesus V, February 14, 2024.
In the complex industrial structure, where efficiency is an important aspect, reliability indicators represent essential elements for the optimal management of the operation and maintenance of industrial facilities.