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corrosion and materials

The ECDA methodology for pipelines (NACE SP0502) in the oil industry

The External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) methodology, proposed in the NACE SP0502 Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology standard, represents an option for pipeline sections that cannot be inspected with smart pigs for reasons such as: low flows, no provision of launch traps, obstructions in the line, changes in diameter, among others

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Embrace Tomorrow: From Industry 4.0 to the Dawn of 5.0

With Industry 4.0 here and Industry 5.0 on the way, it is clear that manufacturers who want to remain competitive must embrace the latest digital technologies. This is due to the effect of implementing smart technology that allows more to be produced, in less time, with higher quality and, at the same time, reduce costs.

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new energies

Antarctica Transforms: Climate Change Turns Ice to Green

Antarctica began to disappear between about 30 and 40 years ago.
Under the ice of Antarctica there is solid land, an entire continent that we can barely glimpse from scientific bases. However, what is under that white layer and how vulnerable it is to climate change is now known with greater precision.