
Inspenet- La IA en la Gestión de la corrosión
corrosion and materials

Beating rust, Artificial Intelligence and its role in corrosion management

Inspenet, July 5, 2023.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) unites with human intelligence, to fight against corrosion. The way forward is the use of new technologies, this is where AI emerges in corrosion management as it is necessary for the implementation of computational techniques such as machine learning algorithms and cutting-edge technologies.

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corrosion and materials

Corrosion vs asset management? The constant struggle in the energy and industrial sector.

Inspenet, July 3, 2023.
The energy and industrial sector constantly face the deterioration of structures and equipment failures due to the action of the environment in which they are used, which generates a fight between the elements mainly involved: corrosion vs. asset management, demonstrating how the triumph of one implies the defeat of the other.

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Ocean Engineering: Advanced Platform Design for a Safer, More Efficient Future

Inspenet, July 2, 2023.
The safe and efficient design of platforms is covered by oceanographic engineering, which is a multidisciplinary discipline that focuses on the application of engineering principles in the study and sustainable use of the oceans and marine resources. This covers a wide range of study areas and uses, including the design, construction and maintenance of structures and systems in the marine environment.

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new energies

Bioenergy and carbon capture: The double blow to the climate crisis.

The climate crisis currently represents one of the greatest challenges facing our society. Greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels are the main drivers of climate change. However, bioenergy and carbon capture have emerged as two very important alternative solutions to reduce and control this global problem.