Articles by soft skills

Empoderamiento de la gerencia operacional mediante estilos de liderazgo
soft skills

Empowering operational management through leadership styles

Author: Ph.D. Aracely T. Henríquez B, 23 February 2024.
In today’s volatile business environment, empowerment in leadership becomes a driver of operational management success. This article focuses on exploring the relationship between empowerment, leadership and leadership styles in the context of operational management, highlighting the importance of this managerial approach and its implications for organizational performance.

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Tiempo y Organización como claves en la eficiencia operativa
soft skills

Time management and organization as keys to operational efficiency

Author: Ph.D. Aracely Henríquez, January 27, 2024.
As humanity has evolved, its perspectives have also changed and management methodologies have been developed with the purpose of optimizing work efficiency through the identification, design, implementation and optimization of processes.

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Liderazgo organizacional: Descubre los secretos para transformar tu equipo
soft skills

Organizational Leadership: Discover the secrets to transform your team

Organizational leadership and its influence on the decisions of a company is essential for the achievement of all its objectives; through a joint vision, an analysis of information and continuous learning to expand knowledge. A leader must have the ability to execute and align actions, in order to improve the organization and the business work environment.

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