Articles by health & safety management

4 Prácticas de manejo de residuos en plataformas offshore
health & safety management

4 Waste management practices on offshore platforms

Author: Ing. Mario Toyo, February 22, 2024.
Waste management on offshore platforms represents a challenge for the energy industry. These offshore structures generate a considerable amount of waste during their oil and natural gas extraction and production operations.

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Estrategias de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la minería
health & safety management

Occupational Health and Safety Strategies in Mining

Author: Ph.D. Yolanda Reyes, February 16, 2024.
Occupational Health and Safety actions in mining go beyond simply controlling and preventing the risks inherent to this activity. This is a comprehensive strategy that seeks not only to safeguard workers’ health, but also to instill a safety culture rooted in active awareness of the importance of safety protocols.

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efectos de las paradas de plantas hacia el medio ambiente
health & safety management

Effects of plant shutdowns on the environment

Inspenet, December 14, 2023.
Industrial processing plants must undergo periodic shutdowns to ensure a safe work environment and maintain a reliable and efficient level of production. But this action brings with it various factors that generate environmental pollution.

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health & safety management

Safety in the transportation of gas: Prevention and mitigation of risks in the gas pipeline

Safety in the transportation of gas is important to prevent and mitigate risks in the gas pipeline, involving prevention, detection and response measures to possible incidents. It is necessary to implement the best practices and technologies to guarantee operational safety and environmental protection in the transportation of gas through pipelines.

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